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Showing posts from March, 2019

Rejected by Man: Re-directed to God

Part 1 - A love Letter to Christians bruised by Rejection What is life without pain, disappointment, rejection and sufferings? Absolutely nothing! It is from the angle of rejection that I am encouraged and led to write this blog post. My Experience There is a deep, lingering, unexplained pain and seemingly unbearable ache that comes with being rejected. I know this pain oh so well after feeling rejected from past relationships ending, after feeling rejected by God when I found out about Endometriosis and the havoc it wrecks in my body and fertility, having close friendships ending pre-maturely and when my father decided he didn’t want to be a part of our family anymore and walked out on us. All of this happened in one year. The purpose of sharing this is to identify with you and let you know that you are not alone. We may not have similar issues but I have an idea how you are feeling and most importantly, God does too. We often assess ourselves to see if and how we have co

A Letter from my ❤ to my Sisters in Christ

Dear Sisters in Christ, This is an encouragement and a reminder to you to not compromise your walk/relationship with Christ for anyone or anything. It is never worth it. Do not do it for work, family or any sort of relationship/friendship. I want to speak specifically to romantical relationships with the opposite sex. A man who is handsome, charismatic, charming, has a great sense of humour and in a decent job would make a great provider for the family and if he grew up with his 6 sisters, that would communicate that he understands women (bonus!!). But if he doesn't have a relationship with Christ, he has no eternal value to you presently or your future family. A man who is able to lead your family in God's righteousness, lead family devotions and prayer understand that his strength does not come from his muscles or intellect but from God through Christ Jesus. This is a man we should gladly commit and submit to. A man who knows his worth and value - understand that