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Endometriosis Update The Fight Continues... Hello there! All of 3 years have passed since I first shared about my experience with this disease. It was just a few weeks ago I realized that I found out I had this disease during Endometriosis Awareness Month, ironic, don't you think?  Now here we are exactly 3 years later! Wow! This is an awesome reminder that brighter days are always ahead, our temporary uncomfortable and seemingly overwhelming situations are NOT permanent!  Thank you Jesus! March 22, 2018 proved how limited and one sided our prayers and attitude to life can be. I prayed several prayers about what my limited mind knew and felt about my then condition. That day I had surgery to removed what I presumed was my biggest hindrance - Fibroids. I never once thought for a moment that I could have had another condition. Looking back now, it was a huge eye opener and a disappointing time in my life. I trusted my doctors and their initial diagnosis and it left me feeling upset,
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Tale of an Overcomer: Not by Human Standards but God through Christ Jesus

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My Experience with Fibroids and Learning about Endometriosis

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